Centro Stirling continues its commitment to the Health and Social Healthcare sector.

Last week, without going any further, we were in León at the second Technical Conference held at Espacio CRECE on #Technology of #Care, organized by the Spanish Red Cross and the Vodafone Foundation. In this outstanding day, JAVIER OLAIZOLA, manager of Centro Stirling, shared round table with Cluster-SIVI and INCIBE – National Institute of Cybersecurity.…

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Inauguration of Centro Stirling Navarra.

Coinciding with the celebration of Embega’s 50th anniversary, and in the presence of authorities from the Government of Navarra, the town of Villatuerta and the Mondragon Corporation, Centro Stirling inaugurated its new facilities in Villatuerta. The entire research team of Centro Stirling also visited Embega’s facilities, appreciating its latest investments and the progress made in…

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Stirling Center visits Eurecat, the Technology Center of Catalonia.

Through the Gaiaprint project, we have had the opportunity to collaborate in a very enriching consortium with Falcón Electrónica and Eurecat, under the umbrella of the Functional Printing Cluster. During the visit to the Eurecat facilities in Cerdanyola and Mataró, we saw first hand the capabilities of Eurecat in plastronics and the final results of…

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Centro Stirling accompanies Copreci in the Solar Induce project

Copreci leads the Europe-Africa intercooperation project SOLAR INDUCE.Centro Stirling had a prominent participation in Pretoria, South Africa, among the attendees at the launch of the intercooperation program, presenting the general lines of the project. Focused on clean cooking, the project will address developments aimed at improving the efficiency, robustness and promotion of the local economy…

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Highest rating for the EleSpray Project 

Centro Stirling together with the Public University of Navarra and with the coordination of the Aditech Foundation, achieve the highest rating of the projects recently approved to SINAI agents in Navarra with the EleSpray project. EleSpray will study the optimization of manufacturing technologies for high resolution conductive surfaces oriented to different applications. The optimization will…

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Visit of the Government of Navarra to CS Stirling Center

Uxue Itoiz Mariñelarena, General Director of Industry, Energy and Strategic Projects S4, together with Delia Sola, Director of the Strategic Projects Service of the S4 visited yesterday the headquarters of CS in Navarra, where Javier Aranceta, Dtor. of CS, Silvia Zabala, Dra. of Functional Printing Area and José A. Molina, Dtor. of Embega showed them…

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Centro Stirling is working on the design and manufacture of inductive heating sources, within the framework of the MAGAF project.

CS Centro Stirling will participate in the MAGAF project, funded by the Elkartek program of the Basque Government, whose objective is to improve the design and manufacturing routes of high frequency magnetic components for use in power electronics converters. The main objective of the research work to be carried out by CS Centro Stirling will…

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